Attention Coaches, Consultants and Industry Professionals

Who Wants To Attract Ready To Buy Prospects And Accelerate To 7 Figures By Becoming The Go-to Expert Authority Instantly In Your Niche?

I would like to invite you to discover an exclusive inner circle of 6-7 figure coaches & consultants who are systemizing & scaling their business, automating their lead flow and instantly establishing their authority fingerprint in their niche marketplace with little effort.

Who Wants To Attract Ready-To-Buy Prospects And Accelerate To 7 Figures By Becoming The Go-to Expert Authority Instantly In Your Niche?

I would like to invite you to discover an exclusive inner circle of 6-7 figure coaches & consultants who are systematizing & scaling their business, automating their lead flow and instantly establishing their expert authority fingerprint in their niche marketplace with little effort.

Let me ask you a question.

Are you sick of feeling invisible while the competition blows by you online and you know they don’t have the same talent or skills that you do?

Have you ever felt this way?

  • Having a steady flow of qualified, ideal prospects would change your life – BUT nobody knows who you are, and you have no idea how to compete for attention with the ‘big players’ in your industry?

  • Why don't you get the breaks that you deserve?

  • You’re sick of feeling like you’re at the whim of some social media algorithm for visibility and engagement?

  • ​You make less money than you have before and yet you have more skills than you have ever had? 

Or maybe…

  • You are struggling to position yourself and your story as an authority so that TV producers, podcasters and premium clients beg to work with you?

  • Your product or service is good so why won't anyone buy it

  • You feel like you’re slaving over growing and engaging your ideal tribe?

  • You’re struggling to post the right thing that your tribe wants to engage with or buy from? 

  • ​Wondering why social media seems to work for everyone else, EXCEPT you?

  • ​You have tried to run Facebook challenges and you made very little to no money at all?

  • ​You struggle to get your book or course done while others are pumping them out every month?

  • ​You can't seem to fill and make money off your 1-1 coaching, group coaching and mastermind programs?

  • ​Not quite sure how to run a VIP Day that generates $10,000 in a day that your ideal tribe would rave about?

  • ​Struggling to run a 3- or 4-day workshop that generates 6 to 7 figures?

  • ​People say they want to work with me but for some reason they don’t?

  • ​Your business is good but it never seems to go to that next level and yet I see so many other people with crappy products or programs that do go to the next level?

Listen, I get it.

Listen, I get it.

Hi, my name is Mike Driggers and I have been there, and I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way.

You’re sick of struggling to earn a consistent & predictable income… even though your advice & products are life changing.

Your services are worth so much more than what you charge… however because new leads are scarce, you literally drop your prices “just to be sure” you can get the client.

You’re tired of being STUCK in a constant cycle of “content or die” - even when you don’t have time to create (or when you do you have no idea what to say)!

In today’s crowded marketplace, the best way to stand out from the competition is to establish yourself as the GO-TO Authority, The Premier Expert in your field.

But how do I do that?

After 35 years of being in the thought leader industry where I have been on the front lines for some of the biggest names in the industry, I had the distinct pleasure to work for them to help them grow their Thought Leader businesses (I was also coached by allot of them).

I have been a part of every aspect of the thought leader business from hosting events, back of the room sales, creating irresistible products and offers, infomercials, movie production & distribution, book/CD/DVD production & distribution, hosting the events, selling from the stage, running coaching programs, group coaching programs, masterminds, VIP days and managing teams as well as the sales force.

I have also helped scale a company to over 100 million a year in the personal development industry.

I literally have been part of some of the great successes and some of the not-so-great successes.

At a young age I was part of some struggling thought leader businesses and watched several of them implode.

The key point to this story is over the years I have been able to acquire certain skill sets (or Ninja Tricks) that have helped not only position me as a go to authority, which has allowed me to have a thriving business and be able to work from home for 20 plus years.

I even started a very successful advertising agency and during that time I applied these same skills to help a small handful of thought leaders in their business explode to 6-7 figures quickly.

So, what does this mean for YOU?

I have decided that the greatest gift to the world that I can give that will allow me to have an impact on the world in a greater way, is by helping YOU be the GO-TO Expert Authority in your niche.

And the best way I know how to do that is by opening the doors to YOU!

Let me introduce you to the

Authority Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind Program

The Authority Fingerprint- The Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind Program

This Authority Fingerprint- Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind program is a 12-month immersion process designed to help you create the high 6-7 figure business you truly desire…one that is systematized in which it works with or without YOU!


If You Can Answer “Yes” To One or All Of These Statements Below Then This Is For You:

  • Do you want to discover the powerful coaching technique top coaches use to work less, earn more, and turn clients into raving fans?

  • Do you want to create a solid business foundation for scaling over 100 million a year in the next 3-5 years?

  • Do you want to know how to package, productize and monetize your expertise so you can sustain your message?

  • Do you want to know how to run profitable 1-on-1 & group coaching programs virtually from anywhere in the world? 

  • ​Do you want to know how to create irresistible online courses that create raving fans with a framework based on the top 100 bestselling courses over the last 20 years?  

  • ​Do you want to know how to author a book a month (if you would like) even if you can’t write, can’t type, and failed your high school English class? 

  • ​Do you want to know how to host & run high profiting producing workshops & masterminds without even creating any content?

  • ​Do you want to know how to establish your authority, grow your email list and earn revenue with a virtual summit?

  • ​Do you want to discover how to effectively leverage your time by selling one to many and make more money in less time by creating scalable Facebook challenges?

  • Do you want to know how to sell from the stage without selling with authority and not looking like a sleazy salesperson no matter if it is live or virtual? 

  • ​Do you want a framework that allows you to easily create and grab testimonials from celebrities, easily creating case studies and a system to capture social proof?

  • Would you like to attract the media easily and become the go to person when needed?

  • Do you want to know how to pitch to the media that has them running to interview you?

  • Do you want to discover how to do professional interviews and sell without selling during the interview?

  • ​Do you want to have a framework to always have the perfect interview?

  • Would you like to discover a proven sales funnel that has done over 100 million in a year with no technical skills at all and works in all niches? 

  • Would you like to have a webinar framework that has produced over 1,000,000.00 million dollars and will work for any niche?

  • ​Do you want to discover how to properly set up all your social profiles that position you as the go to authority and produces ongoing ready to buy prospects?

  • ​Do you want to know how to have a thriving private Facebook group that provides ongoing ready to buy prospects?

  • Would you like to discover the four building block frameworks of what you want to be known for so that your grandmother or grandfather knows exactly what you do and can tell their blue haired bingo gals what you do without losing translation?

  • Do you want to know how to create irresistible offers and how to present them in a way that closes more clients? 

  • Would you like to cash-in on client VIP days with how to plan a fun and profitable coaching experience that creates raving fans?

  • ​Would you like to know how to outsource and develop the right authority team for you to scale? 

  • Would you like to know how to have an endless source of marketing content with only 12 hours of work for all social media platforms, podcasts and blogs that position you as the go-to authority in your niches in 90-days or less? 

  • ​Would you like to discover how to identify where and how to syndicate your content to where your tribe hangs out to attract them to you?

  • Would you like to discover a source of ghost written constant for any niche that you can have full rights to for pennies on the dollar?

  • Do you want to know how to close high-ticket sales without breaking a sweat even if they have never sold anything before?

  • Do you want to know how to handle the objections from prospects and answer them in a way they internally sell themselves into your program?

Don't Just Take my Word For It...

See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

Joe Theismann - World Champion & Entrepreneur

"Mike Driggers insights could easily become a manual for the use in classrooms around the world and the key to a lot of student’s success in life."

Kevin Harrington - Original Shark From Shark Tank & Inventor of “As Seen On TV & The Infomercial

“Mike Driggers principles will help each one reach the next level of success in their business and personal life. His strategies can easily be handed down to your kids, family, friends, and co-workers.”

Jill Lublin - CEO, Publicity Crash Course, International Speaker & 4x Best Selling Author

"Mike’s practical ways to becoming a high achiever in business and in your personal life through his simple to use principles are a must-have and I highly recommend you learn them now."

Brian Tracy - Best Selling Author of 77 Books, Speaker, Consultant

"Mike is one of the best people in the field…. especially if you want to be distinct in your marketing results and personal success…."

Forbes Riley - CEO SpinGym, Celebrity TV Host

"Grab a pen and paper, then get ready to catapult yourself to new heights with Mike Driggers principles in getting everything you ever wanted in Life and business. He is clear, concise and inspiring!"

James Malinchak - Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, “Secret Millionaire” The Author of Millionaire Success Secrets

"If you’re ready to positively transform your life, Then read and absorb the strategies by my friend Mike Driggers! Mike Truly cares about helping others and his ideas will make a positive difference in your life!"

Don't Just Take my Word For It...

See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

Joe Theismann - World Champion & Entrepreneur

"Mike Driggers insights could easily become a manual for the use in classrooms around the world and the key to a lot of student’s success in life."

Kevin Harrington - Original Shark From Shark Tank & Inventor of “As Seen On TV & The Infomercial

“Mike Driggers principles will help each one reach the next level of success in their business and personal life. His strategies can easily be handed down to your kids, family, friends, and co-workers.”

Jill Lublin - CEO, Publicity Crash Course, International Speaker & 4x Best Selling Author

"Mike’s practical ways to becoming a high achiever in business and in your personal life through his simple to use principles are a must-have and I highly recommend you learn them now."

Brian Tracy - Best Selling Author of 77 Books, Speaker, Consultant

"Mike is one of the best people in the field…. especially if you want to be distinct in your marketing results and personal success…."

Forbes Riley - CEO SpinGym, Celebrity TV Host

"Grab a pen and paper, then get ready to catapult yourself to new heights with Mike Driggers principles in getting everything you ever wanted in Life and business. He is clear, concise and inspiring!"

James Malinchak - Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, “Secret Millionaire” The Author of Millionaire Success Secrets

"If you’re ready to positively transform your life, Then read and absorb the strategies by my friend Mike Driggers! Mike Truly cares about helping others and his ideas will make a positive difference in your life!"

12-Month Mentorship Work?

How Does The 12-Month Mentorship Work?

The Authority Fingerprint - Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind is a 12-month immersion process designed to help you attract ready to buy prospects, position you as the go to expert authority in your niche and have the foundation to create a high-6-7-8-figure thought leader business that you desire. . . one that is systemize & automated and works with or without you.

Here's how it will work, we kick off your first week with a...

Private 1 - 1 Business Planning Session (with Mike Driggers) - Value - $25,000

Private 1 - 1 Business Planning Session (with Mike Driggers) - Value - $25,000

We kick off your first week with a 5-hour session. During this time, we will look at your business from a bird’s eye view of where your business is. After we have identified where your business is will pull it apart and rebuild it from the ground up. This will allow us to give you more freedom to scale up to high-6 or 7-figures revenue . . . with healthy profits too!

After this first call, you'll be clear on your business model… your offers... your audience… what you will be known for… your value ladder and sales funnels... and which ad platforms to use.
You'll have crystal clear clarity on your direction, what needs to be done and where you’re going in the first week.

With my current hourly fee at $2,000 . . . the value of what it is worth is at least $25,000.

Private Intimate Group Business
Planning Session 
(with Mike Driggers) - Value - $25,000

6 Months from the time you start we will meet again with a 5-hour session. During this time, we will look at where you are on your new roadmap for your business to make sure you are on track. After doing this we will identify the areas that need to be adjusted, fixed, or added and to make sure you continue on the same track as plan. This process allows us to course correct if for any reason you got off track.

Monthly 1 - 1 Business Mentoring For 1 Year (Value - $96,000)

Monthly 1 - 1 Business Mentoring For  1 Year (Value - $96,000)

Each week you will have a 30-45 minute "accountability & progress review” . . . you will be kept accountable and focused on the plan we created in the beginning and your personal business mentor (me) will help you overcome any challenges or roadblocks that you may face.

On top of this, I have an "Open Text Messenger" policy - meaning you can direct message me (YES, my cell number) anytime with questions and get a fast, personal response - for the next 12 months.

This truly makes it a personal, one-on-one mentoring program with me where you get all the support and instant answers you need to get rapid results and accountability to help you grow.

Authority Fingerprint Online Study Course (Value - $5,000)

Here's a quick breakdown of the coaching you're getting access to:

Mission 1: Design Your Blockbuster Expert Thought Leader Business Starts Here

Designing Your Destination With Your BIG Idea that stands out.

If you’re like most people in business, YOU want freedom.

However, most coaches or consultants in the business get so lost in the 'daily grind' they forget WHY they are working for themselves in the first place. They get stuck at the 6-figure mark, trading time for money because they think like a W2 EMPLOYEE...

In this mission, you will have awareness of WHY the W2 identity is keeping you stuck on the 'hamster wheel' and how to get off of it by setting specific & measurable goals for your thought leader business.

You'll finally understand the mindset & beliefs required of a 7-8 figure Thought Leader business.

Imagine for a moment knowing EXACTLY what needs to happen quarterly, monthly, weekly - and even daily - to move you closer and closer to your dream business and lifestyle.

You will walk away with a crystal-clear roadmap and what your D.M.O is to establish your expert authority positioning based around YOUR BIG idea!

You will have a clear, and focused goal for the entire year ahead of you once your finished with this mission.

You will also;

Discover HOW to reprogram the limiting beliefs in minutes instead of years and take your everyday advice and sell it as a $5K to $25K coaching program.

Identify if your “WHY” is strong enough. -- “if your “WHY” does not make you cry than it is not strong enough for you to fight and thrive.

Learn how to identify and overcome the “Imposter Syndrome” that most coaches and consultants feel like with only one IMAGE!

Identify how to take your true passion and make it into a movement that everyone in your niche wants to be part of by joining your tribe.

You will also walk away creating a solid business foundation for the opportunity to scale over 100 million a year in the next 3-5 years.

And much, much more as you begin to discover your passion for your big idea, create the framework to achieve your desired goals with your thought leader business and your expert authority positioning!

Mission 2: Your Authority Landscape- Show Me The Money!

Monetizing your knowledge by turning your ideas and wisdom into irresistible Dopamine offers

In this mission you will get a bird’s eye view of the “Thought Leader/Expert/Guru Industry” and what the top 5 primary ways people want to learn from you. This way you can create a signature-branded service based on market needs “That is Irresistible to Your Ideal Prospects” and how you can use each of them to create an authority base that you can profit from…

You will also learn about the #1 MAJOR MISTAKE that you must not do that most coaches and consultants do in this industry and that is not spending the time researching.

Most coaches are not in high demand for their services, the reason is due to their services & products looking and sounding the same as everybody else’s, so it’s not appealing to their market.

Another reason is they have a messaging problem. They either have the wrong message to the right people, or they have the right messaging going to the wrong people.

Why is this?

Because they either skimmed over and thought they knew what their market needed, or they skipped the research altogether and don’t truly understand their marketplace needs.

So, you may ask why they would do this, and the simple answer is because it takes a lot of time and they do not know where to look or how to look. They do not have the tools or resources to do so.

What this means for you is that in this mission you will discover the tools and the resources to be able to quickly research and analyze your top competitors in your market to get an understanding of what and how they are growing their business.

You will be able to quickly identify your competitors or people you inspire to be like strengths that they have that you may not have.

You will look at their weakness so that you can take advantage of them and the threats of what is possible that they could create to be better than you.

You will also be able to identify the opportunities of what you can do or create that they don’t have from understanding both their weakness and threats.

You will also;

Learn the different types of authority, the levels of authority elevation, and how you want to play.

Look at all the types of Industry offers and what the average sales price is so that you get an idea of what is being sold for what.

Discover how thought leaders are protecting their Intellectual Property (IP) and themselves so that you know how you need to protect your Intellectual Property (IP) and why.

Have an idea on how to protect yourself and get the most tax benefits you can out of having a thought leader business.

Know what to offer in your coaching, group coaching, masterminds, VIP days, and course packages and how much to charge based on your competitors and marketplace?

And much, much more as you begin to discover and design the foundation for your thought leader business and expert authority positioning!

Mission 3: Your Authority Trust Building Framework.

Becoming Irresistible to your niche market so that you attract ready to buy clients.

This mission will give you awareness to a framework that has been proven to attract READY TO BUY PROSPECTS. (DON’T SKIP this section unless you are already in a position of power and authority)…
What would you say if I told you I could show you one simple strategy that instantly makes people trust, respect and want to follow you without question?

And what if I told you that this simple strategy is arguably the most “powerful weapon” of influence and persuasion you need in your arsenal to become an irresistible expert authority to anyone in your niche.

 It is like being born into Royalty that Anoints YOU before you even learn how to walk and talk.
This works if you're an entrepreneur who wants to position yourself as an expert or a thought leader, non-fiction author, coach or speaker who wants people to accept your message as the undeniable truth and buy your products and courses.

If your Someone who wants to establish credibility and trust with people, you're meeting or who are learning about you for the very first time then this mission is definitely one you don’t want miss.
This one little shift in the way you position yourself could and will be the missing ingredient which catapults you to raving popularity and instant success as an authority.

You will learn how you to become the go to expert authority in any niche. No matter where you are in life today, where you have been in the past, or what your current qualifications are. By simply following a set of established psychological patterns and concepts that have been tested & proven, time & time again through years of trial, research, and analysis…

You will also;
Discover HOW to understand and own your true value so you can charge what you're truly worth. Not what you think you should charge. No more playing it small!

Learn WHY you don’t need to have proof of your ideas, concepts, or methods to successfully establish your own credibility…

Have tools and resources to quickly profile and identify your ideal clients. Just like researching your competitors this process is just as important. You get a crystal-clear path to finding your ideal clients, exactly where they are hanging out, what all their pain points are, what you will be offering and KNOW exactly how much to charge.

Have a clear understanding of the “ONLY” way a follower will make a change out of his or her own comfort zone and how you can help a follower make this decision with a key piece of information you will learn to share…

Understand how to create your Hero’s Journey story for the media, magazines, press, speaking engagements, videos, and course trainings with an easy to use 3 step system.
Learn HOW To attract your ideal high paying clients who absolutely want to learn from you and who will gladly pay you what you’re worth to help them solve their problems.

Have access to the “Authority Fingerprint” Checklist – A complete breakdown of the steps you’ll follow to establish your authority as a leader and convince your audience to listen...
You will Learn the 4-H-C method and how this attracts and converts your ideal clients into RAVING FANS!

Discover the 4 types of learning styles and how to communicate to them effectively that has them coming back for more.

Look at the lifetime value of your ideal clients and what your value ladder will provide as they S.C.A.L.E. with you.

Create your audio logo that tells people exactly what you do, who you serve, what they struggle with and how you solve their problem in 7 seconds or less.

M.A.P out your 8 Figure foundation for scaling your expert authority positioning and thought leader business.

Learn how to attract the right type of people and repel the wrong type of people to your tribe.
Learn the type of influencer website you should have and how to turn it into an A.T.M for producing partnerships, income, authority positioning and ready to buy prospects.

And much, much more as you begin to discover the framework for your expert authority positioning that will attract ready to buy ideal prospects!

Mission 4: Your Authority Fingerprint Tribe Building Framework

Launch and amplify your marketing: Reach more people, make more offers and make more sales

This is perhaps one of the most exciting aspect of the program. This is where we focus on TWO major things. You will start to build your tribe of Ideal prospects and how to best serve them with the type of offers you want to make.

When they fill your vibe, they want to be part of your tribe. In this mission, you will learn both the organic and paid way to build your P.O.N.D. of the right fish (Ideal clients) to fish from and when you drop your bait (Offers).

You will also get an understanding the science behind marketing and why it is vital in making offers. The reason most marketing fails to engage or convert the audience is because it does not follow a logical sequence and it does not have the emotional triggers that get buyers to act.

When you understand the 3 Stages of “The Buyer’s Journey”, the emotional buying triggers and then send the right messages at the right time you’ll create a deeper & more meaningful relationship with your Ideal client that converts.

You will also;
Learn how to establish a viral content marketing plan for maximum impact.
Identify which of the top 3 delivery platforms that you want to serve your audience through that have the highest conversions for selling.

Discover how to use the power of video “Supportable’s” and “Video Bumpers” to marketing your position as the go to authority so that your potential prospects stop in their tracks and start following YOU! (Learn these lessons and save thousands on the cost of marketing consultation services). You’ll learn to build YOUR very own brand…

Learn how your websites, books, blogs, social media, content, courses and more fit together as all the puzzle pieces of online/offline expert authority positioning…

Know how to take the accomplishments of others, ethically borrow them, and use them to advance your position as a powerful authority…

Identify how to make people gravitate toward you and become magnetic. Capable of drawing in the attention of anyone involved in your target niche…

Discover how to Compress & Explode your product development and the amplify for maximum impact with the Authority Product Multiplier Framework.

How you can use virtual platforms to help other people feel like they're connected to you. You can also use this technique to create a group of followers—a “tribe” that feels connected to your voice, leadership, and message…

Discover the methods you’ll apply that will help other people set and achieve goals (once you do these, you’ll have a tribe of followers that’s impossible to shake away) …

Uncover the art of storytelling and how to use metaphors, stories, and memorable anecdotes to reinforce the ideas and concepts you’re ready to share with the world…

Learn the simple, low-cost Facebook Ads system we've used to build audiences of hundreds-of-thousands of interested prospects and how we used to attract media coverage - in just a few months. . . even works with Facebook's newest algorithm changes.

Learn the simple, low-cost Attraction system for attracting qualified leads - from several platforms Google & YouTube, LinkedIn. . . and... Converting them into high-paying clients with a sales funnel that works without you!

How to "transform" your social media profiles to Get FREE Unlimited Ideal Client Leads to nurture from social media.

Discover HOW To create kick-ass viral content easily that fills your content marketing calendar and creates a viral snowball effect that helps you stick to a long-term marketing plan.

Discover HOW To Create a perfect, compelling, scientifically based, message-to-market match That will make your ideal client say, “OMG, this is exactly what I have been looking for and need!”

Learn HOW to position yourself as the Go To Expert, The “Authority” in your industry, and stand apart & above your competition from all the noise on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Amazon?

And much, much more as you begin to build your tribe for expert authority positioning.

Mission 5: Monetizing Your Authority Fingerprint Message Framework

Designing, Creating, and launching to market with minimum viable offer (M.V.O.)

Show me the MONEY! Ok, Ok, this is the most exciting aspect of the program. Getting paid for your expertise. 

YOU will discover HOW to monetize your message by packaging your wisdom and experience in the different modalities that your audience wants to BUY.

Some of you may say it's not about the money.

And I would say, you’re right, Money is not everything (but it’s close to breathing). 

What a lot of coaches, consultants, and service providers don’t realize is that the more money you can make the more you can sustain and spread your message in the marketplace and have the lifestyle you desire for you and your family. This is the key for you to make a greater impact in the world by serving at a greater level.

In this mission, you will learn how to create an experiential hand-holding-style info product, books, courses, and workshops quickly and easily with the four Authority product creation frameworks that is based on research of the top 100 bestselling books & courses for the last 20 years.

You will also;

Identify your CORE offer and have a crystal-clear picture of your high-end coaching programs and your signature systems that position you as the “Authority” in your marketplace.

Learn how to create frameworks around your core system to uniquely position your Authority Programs.

Discover how to create your own private scalable mentoring and coaching program that your audience will love.

Learn how to effectively leverage your time by selling one to many and make more money in less time by creating scalable Masterminds, VIP Days, and Retreats.

Discover how to quickly create content for your own book to become an author, online training program, CD/MP3 DVD, e-learning course, podcast, continuity membership site, virtual summit, workshop presentation, and ongoing marketing for 6 months to a year with only 6-10 hours of work.

Learn a framework on how to host and run your own private and intimate workshops that generate 6-7 figures as a speaker, workshop, and mastermind leader.

Find out how to stop the ongoing learning without ever earning hamster wheel & attract your first coaching clients at $3,000, $5,000, or $10,000 sales online within 4-6 weeks.

And much, much more as you begin to develop your offerings and programs as the Go To Expert Authority!

Mission 6: Your Authority Fingerprint O.B.G. Closing Framework.

Make more money by Easily Closing more clients more often with ease.

Is not having coaching clients making you nuts? Do you want more sales?

Most coaches & experts struggle to sell programs, even though they have life-transforming knowledge to share.

If you look at the Expert Authorities who’ve made the biggest contribution and had the biggest financial success, you’ll see that there are 4 things they have in common.

 1. They have developed superior social skills so you can “talk the talk” that creates change. 

 2. They make people feel the impact of their message so that the prospect sees the vision for themselves and owns it. 

 3. They foster the skills to instantly connect in conversations with their ideal client who wants to buy from them as they ask for the sell in a way that does not seem like the prospect was sold to.  

 4. They deliver what they sold way beyond the expectations of the prospect…

I have used this high-ticket phone-closing system to sell over 4000 clients in my career and trained 100s of people in this system who had NO sales experience at all and was able to make money instantly!

Join me as we go into depth about the 4 Core Systems you need to rapidly close and grow more business.

You will also;

Learn about the 3 C’s of Communication and the best practices in selling that you need to know before you attempt to close anyone…

Discover the ONE critical mistake that most coaches, consultants, and & service-providers do when trying to enroll clients on the call....and most importantly how to avoid it.

Discover how you can really increase the conversion rate on the phone by 50% with this little-known strategy?

Learn why the old-school advice of "Always Be Closing" is WRONG...and how to approach sales instead

Be Taught the unique 4-step authority closing framework that converts ready-to-buy prospects into loyal, high-paying clients like clockwork. (Even if you've never sold anything high-ticket before).

Learn how to use the 'Over The Bridge Positioning' to present offers on the call, that make your prospects shout "YES" to buying your product or services.

Discover The 7 Myths I Had To SMASH (That OTHERS Led Me To Believe!) In Order to LAND more High-Ticket Opportunities.

Discover how to “Truly Dominate” your own marketplace with rock-solid confidence to close sales & overcome objections without YOU ever feeling cheesy or salesy.

And much, much more as you begin to fill your bank account by utilizing the neuro-language imprint scripts, templates & tools to gain more clients. This will then grow your Thought Leader Business and sustains your message in your niche!

Mission 7: Your Authority Fingerprint C.S.A Framework.

Supercharge your content and reach more people through syndication of your content

Ever wonder how many thought leaders end up with 10x, 100x, or what seems like 1,000x more exposure than everyone else and yet their stuff sucks?

It has to do with consistently great content that is syndicated over multiple channels and delivered in modalities.

In this mission Find out how these so-called gurus “seem to be everywhere,” but most importantly you will learn how to do it yourself…

You will discover HOW to Compress & Explode Your Thought leader business through a “Content and Marketing Syndication” machine.

You will also;

Discover how to make people gravitate toward you and become magnetic. Capable of drawing in the attention of anyone involved in your target niche from other influencers…

Be creating your “Authority Power Base and Platform” to position yourself as an expert authority. This is the planned-for-you and detailed path you’ll use to build a network of channels to deliver your content.

Discover Automation & Systems for creating content to maintain balance (and sanity).

Learn why syndication marketing strategy comes before your social media strategy. 

Learn how to syndicate your content to enrich search engines and how they reward you to publish quality & consistent content.

Why a content syndication strategy is a key part of most content marketing strategies driving inbound traffic and lead. You will discover how to create a value based, problem solving content vortex machine that builds huge trust and borrowed influence that builds a BIG LIST.

You will learn how to take your content and turn it into multiple products with the Authority product Multiplier.

Learn how to turn followers into raving fans (by giving even more epic content that they will share).

You will discover how to find the ideal places where you can syndicate your content that gives you the biggest impact.

 And much, much more as you begin to discover ways to syndicate your authority content for your thought leader business!

Mission 8: Bringing It All Together: Ignite Your Authority Engine

By now You have established a scalable and profitable expert authority business with placing your fingerprint in your niche

Now that you have put a solid foundation in place. It is time to take your program to the next level and start building your empire.

You will discover how to take the strategies that you learn and implement them immediately for 10-30X your influence and authority in your niche.

In the concluding mission, you’ll spend time putting it all together with the Authority Video Accelerator - 28 Day Video Challenge (Authority Compounding Effect) to boost your authority and dominate your market so that you are seen as the go-to-expert in your niche, news media, and potential Join Venture opportunities.

By becoming an industry go-to expert influencer, you’ll see valuable benefits in all areas of your personal and professional life.

People in your market will view you with respect and admiration. They’ll come to you when they need advice or want to learn something new. And, you’ll see a big boost in your sales and business growth as a result.


Compress and explode your authority expert business with these bonuses

BOost 1: Celebrity Attachment  

Discover how to identify, find, reach out to and pitch celebrities to harness and transfer the Star Power To Position You As An Authority for your offers, you or your launches.

Famous people have always made excellent salesmen. Celebrity attachment marketing is a tactic featuring a famous person to offer an endorsement of you, a product, or company.

Similar to writing a book Celebrity Attachment gives you instant authority by attaching yourself to a celebrity through testimonials, pictures, and video.

Presenting a familiar face is one of the fastest and easiest ways for you to create brand equity and value in the minds of consumers and industry leaders. By doing this regularly you increase your (USP) Unique Value Proposition & (USP) Unique Selling Proposition.

This famous person might be an actor, musician, athlete, ex-politician, industry leader, corporate leader, local celebrity, or even a cartoon character. Celebrity marketing has been used across all mediums.

Print, television, radio, film, and various forms of new media and they have all been effective outlets for celebrity-attached products.

There are two major factors marketing officials consider when seeking celebrity attachment for their products, person, or company:


Expertise and Trustworthiness


Likeability, Familiarity, Beauty

If done well, it can lead to huge positioning, profits, and an immediate change in the public perception of you, your product, and your company.

There are many ways to get celebrity attachment easily by just taking a picture, getting a testimonial, doing an interview, or even creating a video with you and the widely-loved actor, heroic sports figure or an industry leader.

They may not contractually endorse you, your product, or your company, but getting a picture with them or creating a selfy-video or even get a written testimonial for your book or product. It will bring immediate credibility.

In This program you will discover;

How to identify the right type of endorsement and celebrity.

How to Pick the perfect celebrity for you and how to craft a message that goes viral while promoting your business

How to find and approach celebrities.

How to design and collect testimonials from celebrities.

How to get video endorsements for you, your events, and products for pennies on the dollar.

How to Get a Foreword or Endorsement for Your Book from celebrities.

How to not approach celebrities so that you do not burn a bridge.

How to have celebrities show up for your events.

How to pitch podcast or video interviews with celebrities.

How to Write to a Celebrity – And Get a Great Response!

How to get a picture with celebrities that you can use in your marketing.

and much much more like a letter, testimonial, and email templates

Boost 2: “Author-it-y” Publishing Blueprint 

When you look at the word Authority It starts with "AUTHOR" and then "IT" and then "Y" and writing a book is one of the greatest ways to position you as the authority in your niche.

Being a published author, you will boost your credibility and authority positioning making it easy for you to become a sought-after speaker or well-paid consultant. You will also create an additional source of ideal clients and passive income in your business if done right.

I have authored over 33 books for different reasons and buy going through this program you will literally be able to write a book a month (if you wanted to).

From research to publishing this bonus we'll walk you through the steps of how to write and publish a book. Even If YOU Can’t Write, Type, Failed High School English Class and Without Hiring A Ghost Writer!

You might think that writing and publishing a book is a difficult process but it’s not. In fact, the journey to becoming a published author can be fun and enjoyable if you know exactly what to do.

You will also;

Learn where to find beta readers that want to read your book.

Learn how to get raving fans & celebrity testimonials prior and after you publish your book. Oh, and the templates and tools you will use to get those testimonials.

Discover how to get reviews for your book even before you publish to the market.

Learn the 5 steps for how you can create and launch a book and the exact, day-by-day system for successfully launching your book to Amazon Bestseller status.

Discover how to make a book funnel profitable ...without using affiliates or begging people to promote it.

Have access to a done-for-you audiobook and hardcover creation system.

Have Instant access to my Preferred Outsourcers Rolodex that will handle all book production for you ($9,879 Value).

Learn a framework for naming your book title and subtitle based on what captures your readers attention and motivates them to want to pick up and buy the book to know more about it.

How to use your book as a tool to sell your information products and coaching that are related to the topic of your book.

Learn the formula to writing a great description and an author bio

How to take people who get your book and turn them into higher paying customers ...consistently ...and in a way that’s super fun, friendly, and helpful :-)

And much, much more as you begin to discover how to become a bestselling author and establish your authority!

In addition to the 1-1 business planning session you and I will have... and on top of the monthly 1-1 accountability coaching and program mission...

You're also getting;

Access To My Rolodex of Experts-Team And Support (Value - $10,000)

Hundreds of entrepreneurs have come to find and build their dream team! I've been outsourcing business projects & tasks since the early 1990’s, when I had my advertising agency out of the San Francisco bay area!

Access To My Rolodex of Experts-Team And Support (Value - $10,000)

Access To My Rolodex of Experts-Team And Support (Value - $10,000)

Hundreds of entrepreneurs have come to find and build their dream team! I've been outsourcing business projects & tasks since the early 1990’s, when I had my advertising agency out of the San Francisco bay area!

Hundreds of entrepreneurs have come to find and build their dream team! I've been outsourcing business projects & tasks since the early 1990’s, when I had my advertising agency out of the San Francisco bay area!

To this day I still outsource to my team to get work done for me even though I do not have the agency anymore.

So, what does this mean for you?

Well ... Now I'm Allowing Exclusive Private Access to My Own Personal List of Contractors, so it is making it easy for you to find and build your own dream team.

So, no more endless Google searches when your Facebook ad isn’t converting… and long gone will be the hours of you staring at a blank screen for 3 hours trying to come up with the best subject lines for your email campaign or sales page.

My private list of service contractors has over 100 plus listings so far (at the time I am writing this), including some contractors from my business partners and clients.

Many years have been spent developing my Rolodex of high value connects to form this Rolodex. And now you get access to absorb everything and elevate yourself - for an entire lifetime.

So, if you need a copywriter, a designer, a tech person, you need a funnel, you need a template for running a book signing at a bookstore, whatever or whoever it is there is a great chance you will find it in the list. Plus I keep adding new contractors to it every month and I only add contractors to this list as a potential hire if they meet my initial criteria and high standards!

I Personally Keep this List Current and Updated with Fresh New Resources - Just Login to Your Account to Access this List Whenever You Want an Expert's Help!

Imagine for a moment how this list will save you hours and hours of research time and help you skip past all the junk! Wherever you are in business this could be your month to month, year to year support that you need.

With access to my entire Authority growth development team of coaches & specialists, virtual assistants, editors, graphic designers & templates, video templates, pr, ad’s templates, tech & development, financial & legal services, website designers and programmers, writers, and copywriters.

Your business will become unstoppable.

This alone is worth 10X your entire investment in this Authority Expert Platinum
Business Mentorship & Mastermind Program.

However, we're only just getting started. That's because I'm also giving you...

Not One. . . But TWO Live Mastermind Meetups in California or Las Vegas
(Value $9,387)

Not One. . . But TWO Live Mastermind Meetups in California or Las Vegas
(Value $9,387)

Would you like to work with me - in person - for two times of the year, so that you can get 10X the implementation and accountability for your business?
As part of our Mastermind, you get exclusive access to not one... but TWO annual 2-day workshops.
In a small, intimate group with you, your peers, and I will break down your struggles & re-construct every aspect of what may be holding you back. Or what is working fantastic in your business and look at how you could improve it. Clients pay me $2000 per hour of my time, and $6,997 for a weekend with me like this one-on-one.
However, you'll be getting two meet ups like this in a small group - for NO additional cost to you other than your own travel expenses.
The Authority Masterminds are 3 times a year March, June, October, and we will let you know when and where once you are on board. This way you can make travel arrangements (unless we need to do them virtual because of Covid).
If you are unable to attend one of them because of conflicting dates, that’s ok, we do 3 a year.
Non-Authority Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind clients invest $3,500 for each one of these Mastermind events. So, this is a true bonus for you, worth a real $7,000.00 to you, all included in your Authority expert Platinum Business Mentorship and Mastermind enrolment!
And the wheels keep going…

Would you like to work with me - in person - for two times of the year, so that you can get 10X the implementation and accountability for your business?

As part of our Mastermind, you get exclusive access to not one... but TWO annual 2-day workshops.
In a small, intimate group with you, your peers, and I will break down your struggles & re-construct every aspect of what may be holding you back. Or what is working fantastic in your business and look at how you could improve it. Clients pay me $2000 per hour of my time, and $6,997 for a weekend with me like this one-on-one.

However, you'll be getting two meet ups like this in a small group - for NO additional cost to you other than your own travel expenses.

The Authority Masterminds are 3 times a year March, June, October, and we will let you know when and where once you are on board. This way you can make travel arrangements (unless we need to do them virtual because of Covid).

If you are unable to attend one of them because of conflicting dates, that’s ok, we do 3 a year.
Non-Authority Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind clients invest $3,500 for each one of these Mastermind events. So, this is a true bonus for you, worth a real $7,000.00 to you, all included in your Authority expert Platinum Business Mentorship and Mastermind enrolment!

And the wheels keep going…

Weekly Group Mentoring Sessions for 1 YEAR (Value $12,000)

Every week you will get on a live zoom call (also recorded) with other members, to help you get things done & grow your income.
So next time you take a seat at your computer to finish some work… you can really examine your notes from the call and see a plan of action steps that is laid out and prepared for you to follow.
Every day you will consistently become more and more increasingly productive as you check off one thing after another off your D.M.O agenda. Also, you’ll see how your authority positioning starts to make a more meaningful impact in others' lives.
Each week over the next 12 months, in these two live calls I'll mentor you on the following:
   1. Tech Tuesdays (see below)
   2. Authority Positioning Thursdays
We’ll be strategizing the latest and greatest in Authority positioning, the best marketing funnel FOR YOU, demonstrating to you the newest traffic strategies and how to make your magnets, 1-1 & group coaching, masterminds, VIP Days and in the media offers that are irresistible... so that the right “ready to buy” prospects are magnetized to you and ready to pay you higher fees.
While you repel the wrong type of never to buy prospects that want everything free and will never buy anything from you anyways.
I know beyond all doubt I can assist you with acquiring at LEAST 5-10 new customers each month on top of what you're getting now and Increase Your Lifetime Client Value with all your irresistible offers in your value ladder.
This is the place where the REAL cash is stowing away in your business!
I'll mentor & coach you to sell high-ticket bundles, selling 1 to many, make recurring continuity membership charges, and even how to benefit from your own live & virtual seminars, masterminds, VIP days & workshops on the off chance that you desire to (which I think you should).
Why’s this important for you is that this facet alone can DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your income per customer, with A LESSER AMOUNT OF WORK than you’re currently doing. Allowing you to Focus on Scaling & Expand your reach for major Impact in the world and for sustaining your message.
Every week you have access to these live coaching & training sessions. So, there’ll be literally NOTHING stopping you creating consistent momentum, support, and CONFIDENCE to compress and explode your coaching business quickly.
But there's even more to come.
Inside my Authority Expert Platinum Business Mentorship & Mastermind, you’re also getting what was mentioned above. . .

Done-For-You Tools, Templates and Swipe Files (Value - $7,000)

Would you like to SWIPE all our sales funnel templates, Facebook ads & email sequences plus much, much more?

I want you to get results, and Quick. That is the reason why I'm giving you every one of the scripts, layouts, checklists, templates, frameworks, and systems to quickly get your business running without you 24/7.

Some of the tools you'll receive include:

• Book info page templates
• Book Layout templates

• Book cover templates

• Author Bio Template

• Press release templates

• PowerPoint templates

• Kindle format templates

• Vision & Objective-Setting Worksheets

• Business Template for running your Thought Leader business

• Outsourcing templates for each major role in a Thought Leader business

• Expert Interview and recruitment system templates

• Course content planning templates

• Getting in and pitching to the media, podcast and magazines templates

• Team Onboarding templates

• Marketing swipes files and templates

• Publishing Audiobooks templates

• Content marketing templates

• Blog post templates

• Livestream video templates

• Lead Magnet Kit

• Marketing from the stage template

• Sales page templates

• Hypnotic marketing templates
• Coaching Forms and kits

• On-Camera framework templates

• Coaching Startup Pack

• On-Camera framework templates

• Coaching Startup Pack

• LinkedIn prospect messaging templates

• Joint venture marketing templates

• Facebook Challenge Templates

• Project Specs Templates

• Done for you online summit templates

• All types of funnels from the high-ticket program to tiny offer and book funnels

• Epic course Facebook group management to do list

• Content Marketing Templates

• Video Scripts for greater impact

Automated email sequences ready to model

• Epic course survey template

• Social Media marketing and content calendar templates

• Workshop, bootcamp, retreats, VIP days, masterminds’ templates

• Book publishing- checklist

• Content that converts checklist

• Coaching and Consulting Sales Templates

• Client Pitch templates

• Create product offers checklist

• Money making podcast checklist

• Product launch templates & checklist

• Video marketing checklist

• Webinar template and planning checklist

• Headline hooks and models

• Book Launch Templates

Plus, there is much, much more, all while having fun and loving what you do.

Done-For-You Tools, Templates and Swipe Files (Value - $7,000)


These are resources, tools & templates that have been created or found over the years that we've either created, invested in, and or tested over many years with huge success. This right here is well worth the price of entry. Over $60,000 has been invested over time to have all these and will save you time, thousands in money and no more doctor bills for the frustration & stress.

Is This For You?

If you're an expert, Influencer, thought leaders, new or emerging coach or consultant then this is for you!

Here's a more detailed breakdown to see if this is for you:

New & Emerging Coaches, Consultants or Industry Professional

If you are passionate about sharing your message and making a greater impact in the world. Then this is for you...

You have just started created an ok following and are generating revenue. Then this is for you...

You are between $5k - $50k monthly revenue and are not consistent or now 'STUCK' and can’t break through the ceiling. Then this is for you...

You're making some revenue but worried about the instability of the business. Then this is for you...

If your leads are INCONSISTENT. Up and down months, highs and lows. Then this is for you...

You know one bad month can KNOCK them out. Then this is for you...

You want the business to work without you, and you don’t know where to go or how to do it. Then this is for you...

You are looking for us to engineer an AUTOMATED system for you to become seen as the GO-TO Expert Authority brand quickly. Then this is for you...

You want more time off with your family... while your business runs without you, with low stress. Then this is for you...

So if you're tapped in trading time for money but want to serve more clients with your high ticket offer. Then this is for you...

Imagine For A Moment Where You Could Be A Year From Today...
…Be The Expert They Talk About For Years To Come.

If you are looking to Enjoy financial CERTAINTY & FREEDOM and you’re realizing your business can provide a lavish lifestyle for you, as well as for your family and loved ones for quite a long time to come.

If you are looking for an automated marketing framework that draws in, nurtures, and converts ready to buy prospects into buyers. No more hustling.

If you are looking to never have to wonder where your next customer is coming from and simply just get used to seeing the payment notifications exploding on your phone. Even to the point you must put it on mute!

If you’re looking to run & own a REAL coaching business with scaling potential… one which is systematized and works with or WITHOUT  you. . . one which is cash-rich, profitable, and productive all while doing what you love and that is impacting others!

If you are looking to Be seen EVERYWHERE and known as the Go to Expert Authority of your niche. The trusted & liked expert. The treasured Authority. Be able to charge higher fees with little to no resistance by establishing your Trusted Authority Framework.

If you are looking for personal Individual mentorship, support and guidance from Mike Driggers and his team consistently over the next 12 months as you are guided step-by-step to avoid all the obstacles, eliminate the all the pain of struggling with your business and knock 5 years off your learning curve and speed up your success.

If You Believe And Know Your Business Has HUGE Potential... But You're Stuck Grinding It Out Day By Day In The "Trading Time For Money Trap". . . Then Book A Call And Let Us Show You The Way To More Freedom & Fulfillment That You Desire.

Then this is for you!
Complete focus, established direction, complete clarity and momentum are all at the tip of your finger and can be yours. Schedule your call today to just see what the possibilities are and make a new friend!

Lets Recap On What You Will Receive

  • Private 1 - 1 Business Planning Session (With Mike Driggers) - Value - $25,000

  • ​Private Intimate Group Business Planning Session (With Mike Driggers) - Value - $25,000

  • Monthly 1 - 1 Business Mentoring For 1 Year (Value - $96,000)

  • Access To My Rolodex Of Experts-Team And Support (Value - $10,000) 

  • ​Not One. . . But Two Live Mastermind Meetups In California Or Las Vegas (Value $9,387)  

  • ​Weekly Group Mentoring Sessions For 1 Year (Value $12,000)

  • Weekly Tech Tuesdays & Funnel-Implementation Calls Live With Me & My Tech-Wizards For 12 Months - Plus Heavy Discounts On Done-For-You Services (Value $12,000)

  • ​Done-For-You Tools, Templates And Swipe Files (Value - $7,000)

TOTAL VALUE: $176,387.00

TOTAL VALUE: $171,387.00

Mike Driggers Platinum Coaching

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